Nicole Vuille

Psychological Counseling

Areas of counseling

Are you looking for psychological support for yourself, for you as a couple or family and maybe you don't know exactly where to turn? I offer support in many areas including


Work/life balance, mental load, getting to know and maintain one's own boundaries

Friendships and relationships in all their forms

Overcoming difficulties in relationships, improving communication, strengthening bonds


Maintaining one's own mental health, personal development, strengthening self- esteem


Consciously shape your role as a parent, need-oriented and Attachment Parenting

Couple and family counseling

Preventive relationship care, uniting different needs, overcoming difficulties and crises, strengthening bonds

Painful life events

Dealing with one's own history, exploring attachment injuries, working through formative and traumatic experiences

Einzelberatung Paarberatung Familienberatung

Methods Psychological Counseling

My working method is based on the systemic approach. From a broad wealth of experience and a diverse repertoire of methods, I put together customized tools and strategies for you and your specific issues.

My methods include Impact Techniques, Person-Centered Therapy, Nonviolent Communication, EFCT Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy, Transactional Analysis, Focusing and more.

Treatment goals

My psychological counseling is designed to help you overcome your personal challenges and feel supported in achieving following goals:

  • Improve quality of life
  • Develop your own potential
  • Learn to know and maintain your own boundaries
  • Develop more self-compassion and understanding
Nicole Vuille, Paar- und Familienberaterin

About me

I grew up in a dysfunctional family, which led me to think hard about how I wanted to shape my role as a mother when my daughter was born. I immediately realized that I did not want to pass on the transgenerational trauma that I had received. It was important to me to be able to value my child, my partner, my friends and fellow human beings as equals, with appreciation and empathy.

In order to be able to help other people in a similar way, I completed training as a certified Psychosocial Counselor. In my work I combine well-founded psychological knowledge with my personal experience. Upon request, I can counsel you in German or in English. I am a member of the Swiss Association for Counseling.

Psychologisch beraten Nicole Vuille
Paarberatung Familienberatung Männedorf

Practice Männedorf

I welcome you to my practice in Männedorf on the beautiful Lake of Zurich. Feel free to contact me for a non-binding initial consultation.


Gufenhaldenweg 4
8708 Männedorf


+41 (0)79 886 40 70
Threema ID 9457UH7R


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